聖安當幼稚園 網上收生系統
St. Antonius Kindergarten Application for Admission System

2024-2025 學年入學申請
Application for Admission for 2024-2025 School Year

Fields marked with * are mandatory.

請上傳相片 Upload Photo*

Information of Parents & Guardian

父親 Father

姓名 Name
職業 Occupation
公司名稱 Co.Name
職位 Position
地址 Address
電話 Tel.

母親 Mother

姓名 Name
職業 Occupation
公司名稱 Co.Name
職位 Position
地址 Address
電話 Tel.

監護人 Guardian

姓名 Name*
職業 Occupation
公司名稱 Co.Name
職位 Position
地址 Address
電話 Tel.*

Notes of Online Application
  1. 幼兒本港出生證明書正本或其他證明幼兒在本港有居留權之有效身份證明文件(例如:香港特別行政區回港證、單程通行證、香港特別行政區護照、香港永久性居民身份證或由香港特別行政區政府簽發的入境許可證)
  2. 疫苗注射記錄(針咭)正本
  3. 幼兒 1½”x 2”證件相片三張
  4. 報名費港幣 40 元正(於遞交申請表格時一併收取),無論申請成功與否,報名費概不退還。
  5. 回郵信封(9 吋長)三個,兩個貼上$2.20郵票,一個貼上$7.90郵票,信封面請寫上詳細地址。
Please submit application form and following relevant documents/certificates online. Our Admissions Officers will inform you in a week if we received the application form. Before interview, you must hand in
  1. Child’s original birth certificate and/or other identity document (e.g. Hong Kong single entry permit, passport, Identity card, or other documentary evidence of legal residence in Hong Kong)
  2. Original copy of immunization record
  3. Three 1.5” X 2” Passport Photos
  4. Application fee HK$40 (to be collected together with the completed application form). The application fee is non-refundable whether the application is successful or not.
  5. Please enclose three self-address stamped envelopes. The envelopes should be 9 inches in lengths, two with $2.20 stamps and one with $7.90 stamps.
Child’s birth certificate and/or other identity document
immunization record
父/母/兄/姊 就讀證明(如適用)
Proof of sibling(s) who is studying or has graduated from St. Antonius kindergarten/Primary School (if applicable)
Baptismal and confirmation certificate (if applicable)

St. Antonius Kindergarten Opinion Survey