本校由中華無原罪聖母女修會創辦,修會一直熱心教育,先後開辦了幼稚園、小學及中學。以「安當」為校名,是為了紀念修會的創辦人巍暢茂安當總主教。Sponsoring Body
The school was founded by The Chinese Sisters of the Immaculate Conception, a religious institute that is enthusiastic about education and has successively established Kindergarten, Primary and Secondary schools. The school name “Antonius” is to commemorate the founder of the religious institute - Archbishop Antonius Fourquet.天主教教育特色
本校以「公誠勤毅」為校訓,結合天主教教育的五個核心價值「真理」、「義德」「愛德」、「生命」及「家庭」致力提供全人教育。Characteristics of Catholic Education
The school adopts the motto of ‘Fairness, Honesty, Diligence and Perseverance’, combining the five core values of Catholic education: ‘Truth’, ‘Justice’, ‘Love’, ‘Life’ and ‘Family’, devoted to provide whole-person education.五個核心價值﹕
Five Core Values:
(a) 人的理智具有尋求真理的能力;這能力是我們必須維護的。我們也應鼓勵和激發人對真理(尤其對有關天主和生命意義的真理)的渴慕。
(b) 我們必須特別重視那使人明辨是非善惡的智慧,勝過其他方面的知識。
(c) 誠實的美德要求我們講真話,並付諸實行,即使要為此付出重大的犧牲代價亦在所不辭。
(1).Truth:It is what the human intellect is searching for.
(a) Human reason’s capacity for truth must be upheld, and the desire for truth, especially the truth about God and about the meaning of life, must always be encouraged and kept alive.
(b) Wisdom, which enables a person to distinguish right from wrong, and good from evil, must be treasured above all other kinds of knowledge.
(c) Honesty demands that a person tell the truth and put it into practice, even at the cost of making a great sacrifice.
(2).義德: 這是一種倫理上的德行,要求我們時常毫無保留地讓天主和我們的近人得到各自所應得的。
(a) 對天主的義德(公義)稱之為持守宗教信仰的德行;相對鄰人的公義,則促使人尊重他人的權益和建立和諧的人際關係,以促進人與人之間公平相待和公益共享。
(b) 只有當人權受到尊重,而每個人都承擔彼此之間的責任,以及承擔對家庭和社會的責任時,人性的尊嚴才會得到保障和提升,而社會才能享有幸福。
(2).Justice: It is the moral virtue that consists of a constant and resolute will to give to God and one’s neighbours their due.
(a) Justice towards God is called the “virtue of religion”; and justice towards one’s neighbours disposes one to respect the rights of others and to establish in human relationships the harmony that promotes equity with regard to individual persons and to the common good.
(b) Human dignity can be protected and promoted, and the wellbeing of society can be achieved, only if human rights are respected and individuals undertake their responsibilities for one another, for their own families, and for society.
(a) 天主是生命與美善的泉源,祂基於愛創造了萬物,並召叫整個人類成為祂的兒女。作為天主大家庭的成員,我們的人生目標就是分沾天主的福樂,愛天主在萬有之上,以及如兄弟姊妹般愛自己的近人。
(b) 耶穌基督――天主子、人類救主――是無私大愛和謙卑服務他人的楷模。
(c) 為使人的生命和所有層面的人際關係能在完美的和諧中彼此連繫,所有德行的實踐須由愛德啟發和推動。
(d) 愛德超越公義的嚴格尺度,並促使我們關懷貧苦大眾和需要幫助的人,並以優先地扶助社會上的弱勢社群和邊緣人士為己任。
(3).Love:It is the greatest of all virtues.
(a) God, the source of life and goodness, has created everything out of love, and has called the whole human family to be His children. As a member of God’s family, one’s goals in life are to share God’s happiness, to love God above all things and love one’s neighbours as brothers and sisters.
(b) Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Saviour of humankind, is the model of selfless love and humble service to others.
(c) The practice of all the virtues is to be inspired and motivated by love, so that all aspects of human life and interpersonal relationship may be bound together in perfect harmony.
(d) Love surpasses the strict measure of justice and urges one to care for the poor and the needy, and to make a preferential option for the underprivileged and marginalized in society.
(a) 每個人都是按照天主的肖像而受造,並且自受孕至去世為止,都享有生存的權利。
(b) 我們應秉承福音所傳授的真福八端精神,懷著平和的心境和望德,面對人生的種種困難逆境。
(c) 每個人都有權利享有足以令其過合乎人性尊嚴的生活的一切條件。
(d) 唯獨真正尊重人類生命的社會,才能為大眾帶來幸福。
(4).Life:It is a priceless gift from God and is sacred in itself.
(a) Every human person is created in the image of God and has the right to life, which must be respected from its conception to its natural end.
(b) In the spirit of the “Beatitudes” as taught in the Gospel, the tribulations and adversities in life are to be faced with serenity and hope.
(c) Every person is entitled to have whatever is necessary for a decent and dignified existence .
(d) Only a society which respects human life can bring happiness to all.
(a) 唯獨夫婦之間那份毫無保留、彼此無私託付而純潔的愛,才能令人真正欣慰滿足。要促成幸福美滿的婚姻,我們必須以實踐貞潔的美德作婚前準備,並以忠誠和不可解除的終身承諾來維繫婚姻生活。
(b) 性愛是夫婦生活的構成部分,且具有其尊嚴。職是之故,均衡完整的性教育,必須採取兼顧全人發展和具深度的方式,並強調自律自制和男女互相尊重的德行。
(c) 婚姻是家庭的基礎;整全而團結和睦的家庭給予夫婦之間及父母與子女之間恆久穩固的支持,讓他們各自達成人生目標。整全而團結和睦的家庭,同時是養育子女的最有利環境,以及造就人類社會福祉的必要條件。
(5).Family:It is the basic unit of society.
(a) Only pure love, the unreserved mutual self-giving between husband and wife, is truly gratifying; a happy, wholesome marriage is prepared by the practice of the virtue of chastity and sustained by fidelity and an indissoluble, lifelong commitment.
(b) Inasmuch as sex is an integral part of conjugal life and has its own dignity, a balanced sex education must follow a holistic and in-depth approach, with emphasis on the virtues of self-discipline and mutual respect between a man and a woman.
(c) Marriage is the foundation of a family; an intact and united family is a permanent support for husband and wife, and for parents and children, in achieving their goals in life; an intact and united family is likewise a most favourable setting for the upbringing of children and young people, and a necessary condition for the wellbeing of human society.